The Black Band Series

The Black Band series has one image, which is hosted for you already at ranchoweb, and features a place to describe yourself, a place for lyrics, imood, last 5 entries, and buddy list. Of course you can delete whatever you dont like, and change it to something else. Here is the HTML for each one...just copy and paste into the appropriate HTML change page.

Staind Layout (View Screenshot)
This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Dashboard Confessional Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Cold Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Eminem Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Korn Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Dave Matthews Band Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Blink 182 Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Godsmack Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

Incubus Layout (View Screenshot)

This is the HTML for the entry page.
This is the HTML for the older page.

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