When I change my layout, why arent my older entries pages changing over also?
  • This is nothing you did. Its to do with Diaryland. (I got a TON of emails on this one) Your layout will switch over in a few hours or so, dont worry. Sometimes it may even take a few days. You can go to your edit/delete entries page and click on an entry you want to manually change... Then, you dont have to actually change anything in that entry, just pretend youre editing it. Then click the "edit" button and it should make that entry switch to the new layout. So, I suppose if youre really impatient you could do that to every entry. Or, just wait it out. (recommended)

    Can I change the picture on your design? (or) Font, font color, links, etc.

  • As for this one, just use your own judgement. If you change the design SO MUCH that it doesnt even look ANYTHING like the original, and I wouldnt recognize it, you can probably take the link off. But, if you just change a image, a font, please leave me a link. Be kind, leave a link if its still my basic design. You can even leave a "based on a lissy design" or "lissy design, modified by ..." link. Just use your judgement.

    Why arent my images showing up?

  • For my layouts I usually host all my images on ranchoweb. Its a free hosting site. If I hosted the images for you, its fine to leave them where they are hosted. Ive never had any problems with Ranchoweb being "down" or anything, but it IS a possibility. Thats why I agree to host the images for you, but I dont guarantee them. Im not responsible for your image not showing...because its something I have no control over. Id suggest saving your image, and possibly either a) getting a gold membership and hosting your own images (its so easy) or b) finding some spot to host your images yourself. And just in case, save your images anyways, that way youll always have them should anything ever happen. Because I do not save ALL the images on my computer. Theres way too many for that.

    What is the diffrence is between the older pages HTML and newer pages HTML? Cant I just copy the new pages HTML and paste it in both?

  • Nope! The reason there is TWO boxes of HTML for each design is because one goes in the "change how each of your entry pages look" and one goes in the "change how your older.html archive page looks". Theyre marked for which is which. The difference is, that on your "newer", it lists your actual ENTRY. On the "older", it lists ALL the entries, kinda like a table of contents. Youll need both, so that you can read your entry, and click "older" to access the past entries youve written. Be sure to copy each code and put them in the correct template-change pages, or youll have a mess.

    None of my links work, why?

  • When you put the HTML in for one of my layouts, youre not done yet! You still have a little work to do, and the biggest part of that, is changing your links. I cant do that for you because I have no idea where your rings page is, cast page, etc. And sometimes I use %%USERNAME%% or 020326_25.html, which youll have to put in all lowercase letters, or it will not work. I have to put it in all caps, otherwise it doesnt work correctly, and links back to my page. So you have to go through and change your links, or they wont work.

    How do I make a link?

  • Making a link is simple.
    <a href="">Description of Your Link</a>

    Can I use your layouts for Diary-X??

  • Yes, you can use my templates for DX, but unfortunately I know nothing about DX so Im not going to be much help, Im sorry! Maybe in the future Ill get a DXaccount and learn how to design for them, but for right now I like being faithful to good ole Diaryland.

    Can I use your layouts for my website?

  • You can use my layouts for ANYTHING, as long as you leave the link that directs to my site crediting me for the layout ON the layout.

    Im not too familiar with html and want to make a layout. Can you teach me how?

  • First off, Im not some amazing know-it-all HTML wiz. I learn new stuff each and everyday, honestly. As for teaching you... I never had a teacher. Everything I know it self-taught, and learned by trial and error. The biggest site that has ever helped me is LissaExplains. Its geared towards kids, so its easy to read and follow. I still use it for reference sometimes to this day. You can check it out here. Empower yourself and learn how HTML works. Its not as intimidating as it looks.

    How do you make your layouts? What do you use?

  • Creativity, brains and a few tools. Namely being Adobe Photoshop and notepad. I also find various images all across the internet, one of my favorite sites being Tony Stone. Then I come up with an idea, sketch it out on paper (sometimes), alter/add to the image in photoshop, and hand code it all in notepad.

    Ive been trying to start my own design site, can you tell me step by step how to make layouts? banners? graphics?

  • No, Im sorry, I cant. I dont think it would be fair for me to "tell" you step by step how to create something that you should learn to do on your own. Its called "trial and error". Its how I learned, and its how youll learn too. Youre much better off figuring stuff out for yourself rather than having someone directing you the whole time. Youll get it sooner or later, dont worry. And then you can honestly be proud of yourself, and not anyone else.

    When are you going to do customs again?

  • I honestly dont think Ill ever do customs again... because it really makes me nervous to do them, and I just dont feel comfortable doing them. I design what *I* like, and customs, obviously, are designs of what someone ELSE likes. It might sound selfish, but its true... I just dont particularly like doing them. However, if I ever do decide to take them on again, itll be posted on my site. And there may be a small charge (like an item off my wishlist or something), but I honestly doubt Ill do them again. Maybe one day Ill change my mind, who knows, Im like that sometimes! Sorry again.

    Do your designs cost anything?

  • Nope. Just please leave a link to me up, pretty please.

    How do I change that part that says that says what youre drinking, wearing, hearing, etc.? In other words, the "currently" section?

  • You need to go to the main template change page, which is located here. You may/may not want that to show on your "older" page, so you can either delete it, or change it on this page, too. Warning: date/time does not show up on your older page.

    How do I archive my older entries into months?

  • Okay. This is kinda hard to explain, but Ill do my best. 1. Go to this page. All your entries are listed on that page, along with little circle checkbox for each of your archive pages. (If youve never archived before, there wont be any. Were about to make them.)
    2. AS EXAMPLE; Lets say you have entries from back in November. That means we have a little archiving to do. Click the "add archive page" button. Now youll see 2 different columns, one saying "older", and one saying "older1". Go all the way down to the bottom of the page and work upwards, since your oldest entries are at the bottom.
    3. Now look at the dates, and for each entry you want to archive into our first "archive page", click the little circle next to it. In other words, the circle is initially clicked to be added to the "older" page. You want it on the "older1" page. So click all the entries from November (or whatever month) and make their little circles filled in the "older1" column.
    4. Make sure you get just November (or whatever month). Youll have to watch your dates!
    5. When youre done adding all the months entries, click the "archive these" button at the bottom!
    6. It will then give you a piece of html code that you can copy and paste into your older.html template to link all your archive pages. (lick here to open the older.html template changer in a new window). Rename it for the month you archived.
    7. Do the same thing for the next month! And do it again and again until you have all your months archived, and all that is left is the current month. You can archive those... and then list them with the others if youd like. But usually I just leave them, and archive at the end of the month. I always leave the current month on display.
    8. There you go! Thats how you archive entries. Its a lil intimidating at first, but youll get the hang of it.

    The entries on my older page are all squished together, how do I fix that?

  • You need to go to this page and alter how each individual entry on your archive page looks like. Copy and paste the code below into that page and it should fix it.

    How do I make a rings page? A cast page? A bio page?

  • This is really simple to do. Just go this page. Then get all your diaryring codes (they will look like this %%diaryring _ diaryringnamehere%%) (or cast page info, or bio page info) and paste all of it into the area that youd normally write your entry in. At the bottom where it says "name of this html page", name the entry rings (or cast, or bio). Then if you join more rings, or want to change your cast or bio, just go back and edit that entry. And now you can link it off your main page. Simple as that!

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